With winter coming to an end and spring right around the corner, it’s time to get your boat ready for a season filled with warmer weather. If your craft has been stored all winter long, you’ll probably need to take some steps to de-winterize your vessel. Keep reading for some easy tips to do just that. 

If you’re in the market for a new boat this spring, call Portland Marine & Electronics in Clackamas, Oregon. We are proud to serve those in Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington!

Check the Engine

You should start your boat de-winterization process by checking the engine. The cold weather can take a toll under the hood. Start by checking out the belts. Press gently down on them with your hand. If there is a lot of give, you’ll probably need to replace them. 

Next, take a look at the tanks and hoses. Inspect them for any leaks. Hoses are prone to cracks during the cold weather, after all. Don’t forget to check the fuel lines, tanks, coolant systems, and oil. If you find any holes or cracks, replace the hose or line immediately. 

Now it’s time to check up on your boat’s fluids. Before storing for winter, you hopefully stabilized the fuel or emptied the tank. If you did neither of these, you will need to empty the tank now. If fuel is left alone for too long, it can go stale or cause corrosion. After you ensure your fuel is good to go, check the coolant levels. Ideally you emptied this as well before storage. Make sure there’s no damage, then fill up the tank. You should also check your oil and top it off if necessary before taking your boat out for the first time this spring.

Tend to the Battery

Batteries are particularly bad at handling cold weather, so it’s important to check up on yours this spring. Hopefully you removed it from your craft entirely before the winter or hooked it up to a trickle charger. Now it’s time to test it out. Check the volts and amps with a battery tester to see if it can hold a charge. If it can’t hold a charge at all, you need to replace it before you hit the water. If it’s functioning properly, all you have to do is make sure there is no corrosion and hook it back up where it belongs. You’ll be all ready to hit the river this spring!

These are just some of the simple steps you can take to de-winterize your boat. If you want more tips, reach out to our friendly team at Portland Marine & Electronics. We are happy to help those in Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington. Give us a call today, and we’ll help you make the most of the warmer weather!