If you want to bond with your children, taking them out on your fishing boat can be a great way to create memories. Learning how to fish teaches children many skills, from having more patience to exploring the natural world around them. Here are some tips on how to ensure your family fishing trip goes off without a hitch.

Get Your Kids Ready

You’ll want to make sure that your kids have the right mindset going into the trip. They probably won’t catch as many fish as they might expect, so you’ll want to explain that there is a lot of waiting involved and that sometimes, you don’t always catch any fish at all, but the experience is still worthwhile. It can be helpful to show them some videos about fishing trips so they understand what it’s like.

Pack Supplies

Your fishing boat should be packed with your usual supplies, such as fishing reels, lures, line, and bait. You’ll also want a well-stocked first-aid kit with bandages, ointments, painkillers, and any medications you or your kids take. Make sure to pack a cooler with bottled water, juice boxes, sandwiches, string cheese, granola bars, and fresh fruit for everyone to snack on. Kids will also need hats, sunglasses, sunscreen, and SPF lip balm to protect them from the sun.

Keep Your Trip Short & Sweet

Your first few trips with your kids won’t be nearly as long as those you might take with your adult angling friends. You’ll want to pack up and head for shore after an hour or two so that kids don’t get bored and frustrated or tired of the experience. You can extend the trips as children get more comfortable with them.

Stop by our dealership in Clackamas, OR, to take a look at our inventory of new and used fishing boats for sale. Portland Marine & Electronics is your Oregon ABYC and NMEA certified fishing boat dealer, serving greater Portland, OR, and Vancouver, WA.