Most boat owners don't think about making a float plan until they get into trouble on the water. But a float plan is a simple and effective way to stay safe while boating and it only takes a few minutes to create one.

A float plan is simply a strategy that details information about your boat, your planned trip, and who to contact in an emergency. You can create a float plan online or using a printable form. 

The Goal of a Boating Float Plan

A float plan covers key details about a voyage. The boat captain creates the plan and gives it to someone who will be staying on land. If there's an emergency and the boat doesn't return at the expected time, rescue crews can consult the float plan and know where to begin their search. Creating a float plan is an important part of emergency preparedness and should be done before each voyage. 

The Necessary Details of a Boating Float Plan

The Boat

Be sure to include the boat's make, model, size, color, and registration number in the float plan. 

It's also helpful to note any distinguishing marks on the boat that will help rescuers identify it. For example, you might include a noticeable decal or sticker in your boat description. 

The Boat's Passengers

The boat float plan should include the names, ages, and contact information of everyone who is on board.  If you're boating with children, be sure to also include their height and weight. This information will help rescuers in the event of an emergency. It's also a good idea to include any medical conditions or allergies that passengers have in the boat float plan. For example, you might note that a passenger has diabetes or is allergic to bee stings. In the event of an emergency, this information could be critical. 

The Trip Itinerary

Give the name and location of the launch ramp where the boat trip will begin. Then, describe any stops along the way. As best as possible, try to estimate the expected arrival times at each of those locations.

Then, describe the planned time of departure as well as the planned time of return to land.

Updating the Boat Float Plan

There might be some last-minute changes to the plan, such as poor weather or maintenance issues changing the return time. Try to update your on-shore contact as much as possible so that they have the most updated safety information.

Are you still looking to buy a boat? Portland Marine & Electronics carries a variety of boats for sale. We are located in Clackamas, Oregon, and also serve those in Portland, Oregon, and Vancouver, Washington.